Fantasy Book Recommendations for Beginners

A stack of books on the corner of a table; the book Uprooted is on top

With a reputation for lengthy, hard-to-pronounce names and intricate plots, the fantasy genre can seem intimidating. Although I am now an avid fantasy reader, I can remember a time not too long ago when the mere thought of picking up a fantasy book felt daunting. Would I be able to keep track of all of the people and places? Would the terminology make sense? Thankfully, I did not let my apprehensions about the genre keep me from trying it, and I am better for it.

Fantasy books have brought such joy to my life. They have offered me comfort during challenging times, temporarily whisking me away from my troubles and providing me respite. They have shared in my moments of elation, bolstering my happiness and casting away my grievances. Moreover, they have given me a community, connecting me with a group of passionate, like-minded readers.

Have I convinced you yet to give fantasy books a chance? If so, then here are my recommendations for when you are looking to dip your toes in the genre but aren’t sure where to start.


A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas

The book A Court of Thorns and Roses on top of several opened books

This retelling of Beauty and the Beast and the first installment in the eponymous series is the book that turned me into a fantasy devotee. With a captivating plot featuring romance, action, and character development, A Court of Thorns and Roses is an enthralling read. More importantly (at least from the perspective of a fantasy newcomer), the world-building is gradual; you are eased into the fantastical realm and not overwhelmed by “info dumping.”

Full review of A Court of Thorns and Roses


Uprooted by Naomi Novik

What makes Uprooted a great pick for people new to the fantasy genre is that it is a standalone book. So, you can give the genre a whirl without having to commit to an entire series. Plus, Uprooted just so happens to be one of my favorite fantasy books. It has an imaginative, compelling story that features wizards, monsters, and even an evil forest, and for a book of its size, it has an impressive – but not overwhelming – amount of world-building.

Full review of Uprooted


A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness

The book A Discovery of Witches on top of a wooden table

If you are looking for more of an urban fantasy book with a touch of the paranormal, then allow me to introduce you to A Discovery of Witches. This story imagines a world where magical beings hide in plain sight among humans, and two of those beings, a witch and a vampire, fall in love. Relationships between individuals of different species, however, are strictly forbidden, and it doesn’t take long for others to notice and threaten theirs. While the star-crossed romance might be what gets you to pick up the book, Harkness’ writing is what will keep you turning the pages. Her vivid descriptions bring the characters to life, and she has this way of seamlessly weaving together the fantastical and historical to make the characters and their hidden world seem almost plausible.

Full review of A Discovery of Witches

And so concludes my list of recommendations. Have you read any of these books? If so, let me know in the comments section below!


P.S. You can buy all of the books from this list at

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